Fang Bin

Case Summary

Fang Bin / 方斌 – Gender: Male, Born: Unknown

Current status: Released from 3 year sentence on April 30, 2023

Reason for Detention: Uploaded videos of Wuhan’s pandemic situation to YouTube as early as January 25, 2020. Fang Bin’s videos are archived and transcribed in English on China Change here.

Current location: Wuhan

Past Detentions: Fang Bin has been detained several times for his belief in Falun Gong, including in December 2000, May 2004, June 2010, and May 2013, serving several labor camp terms. He was reportedly tortured every time he was detained. Fang Bin was most recently detained in February 2020 for publishing videos of Wuhan at the beginning of the pandemic.

Family: Wife Feng Yunqing is currently imprisoned for her faith. Fang Bin’s son and other family members are under pressure from authorities not to help Fang Bin

Category: Citizen Journalist
