Ms. Wang Huilan, 53, Hebei
Name: Ms. Wang Huilan
Gender: Female
Age: 53
Date of Most Recent Arrest: Sept. 1, 2009
Date of Death: Sept. 7, 2009
Province: Hebei
City: Zhouzhou
Most Recent Place of Detention: Zhouzhou City police
Case details:
According to sources in Hebei Province, Ms. Wang Huilan was taken away by police on Sept. 1, 2009 by Zhouzhou City police. Sources familiar with her case say Ms. Wang was force fed on Sept. 7, 2009 and died that afternoon from injuries sustained during the force-feeding.
Ms. Wang had been detained at least once before in March, 2006. Her home was ransacked by police at the time of her arrest and she was held for seven days before being released.