Complicity of China’s Judicary As a 2002 report by the International Commission on Jurists states, the Chinese judiciary is not independent, but rather subject... 06-15-2008 | UNCATEGORIZED
Olympic “Preparation” Chinese security agencies have been conducting large-scale arrests of Falun Gong adherents throughout China in recent months as authorities step... 06-15-2008 | UNCATEGORIZED
About Us Headquartered in New York, the Falun Dafa Information Center’s operations are carried out by a team of dedicated and informed... 06-08-2008 | UNCATEGORIZED
About Us Much of our information begins on the ground, with eye-witness sources in China or victims themselves of rights abuses. This... 06-08-2008 | UNCATEGORIZED
About Us In 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party began beating down doors and hauling innocent meditators away to prison, even Beijing... 06-08-2008 | UNCATEGORIZED
About Us Our Mission The Center’s mission is to tell the Falun Gong story, giving voice to tens of millions of Falun... 06-08-2008 | UNCATEGORIZED
Violations of International Treaties For those familiar with China’s human rights record, it may come as a surprise that in recent decades the Chinese... 06-07-2008 | UNCATEGORIZED
China’s People Power Chinese people are getting fed up, and stating so publicly. Generations of Chinese have had to live in fear and... 04-15-2008 | UNCATEGORIZED
A Chinese Court is Not a Court Westerm citizens with little or no knowledge of how China differs from countries governed by the Rule of Law typically... 06-08-2007 | UNCATEGORIZED