Life After Torture “I thought one thing then: ‘Even if I die, I won’t give up the others’ names,'” 05-11-2017 | The Epoch Times | PERSONAL EXPERIENCES
Timeline of Persecution 1996 As Falun Gong becomes more popular, early signs of state oppression appear. Shortly after they are named bestsellers, Falun... 01-15-2016 | PERSECUTION IN CHINA
Cultural Renewal Perhaps the most unlikely, and hopeful, of developments during the years of suppression in China has been a dynamic, creative... 01-07-2016 | CULTURAL RENEWAL
Unlikely Heroes In tens of thousands of homes, basements, and other locales throughout China, Falun Gong practitioners make not only fliers, leaflets,... 01-04-2016 | ADVOCATES
Key Individuals All levels of the Chinas Communist Party, courts, media, police, and diplomatic core have been implicated in the campaign against... 04-09-2015 | PERPETRATORS
Falun Gong: In Society What does Falun Gong look like out in the world, then, as it is lived out? Where is it to... 04-09-2015 | TEACHINGS AND PRACTICE
Key Events By late 2001, however, hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners had been arrested or detained. According to the Washington... 04-09-2015 | KEY EVENTS
Abductions, Long Prison Sentences for Falun Gong ahead of Party Congress Throughout China, citizens who practice Falun Gong have faced a new round of intensified persecution in recent months as the... 11-04-2012 | KEY EVENTS