Canadian Broadcast Standards Council Rules Against China’s Propaganda Attacking Falun Gong in Canada
CBSC Decision: " is nothing more or less than a biased attack on Falun Gong by the producer of that news item."
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OTTAWA, August 21, 2002 (Falun Dafa Information Centre) — Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) released a decision on Friday, August 16 — the first from a Canadian regulatory body — against the airing of propaganda attacking Falun Gong on television in Canada.
The broadcast originated from the official mouthpiece of the Chinese totalitarian regime, CCTV, and was aired on Talentvision, a Canadian Chinese-language TV station, in Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa, on December 16, 2001, which linked an alleged murder in China to Falun Gong.
The CBSC decision stated that Talentvision had breached four articles of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters’ Code of Ethics and Violence Code and the Radio and Television News Directors Code of (Journalistic) Ethics.
The segment, part of CCTV’s “Chinese Satellite News”, featured a “news story” on Fu Yi-bin, who it stated had killed his wife and his father. The Talentvision news announcer claimed that Fu was a Falun Gong practitioner. The accused “practitioner” then appeared in an interview, freely answering questions defaming Falun Gong.
The CBSC decision stated: “The Council has found that the news item relating to murders committed in Mainland China was unfair and improper in its method of linking the murderer to Falun Gong”. Falun Gong’s teachings prohibit all forms of violence and killing.
The CCTV broadcast drew 20 individual letters from concerned viewers as well as a petition with over 1200 signatures.
“Since the persecution against Falun Gong started in China, China’s leader, Jiang Zemin, has used state controlled media to fabricate and distort every one of the so called ‘reports’ on Falun Gong for the sole purpose of attacking and defaming the practitioners, the teachings and the founder of Falun Gong,” said Falun Dafa Information Centre spokesperson Joel Chipkar in Toronto.
Mr. Chipkar continued, “The propaganda has been the primary fuel for this brutal persecution. We appeal to all media not to use Chinese state-controlled media as a source of Falun Gong related news.”
A report from US-based NGO, The Jamestown Foundation, reveals that Jiang’s regime has been offering “free news segments” overseas in an effort to control the content of overseas Chinese language media.
“This CBSC decision is very significant,” Mr. Chipkar concluded. “It demonstrates that the lies and hate propaganda considered normal daily news in China is seen as violating numerous codes of journalistic ethics in Canada and will not be tolerated in Canada.”
Available for interview: Joel Chipkar, 416-709-8678