Beijing Forced Labor Dispatching Center

Located in Tuanhe and close to Tuanhe Labor Camp in the Daxing District of Beijing, Beijing Forced Labor Dispatching Center is a transfer hub for labor camps across the nation.

During the 2008 Beijing Olympics, a large number of Falun Gong practitioners were detained here before being sent to “re-education through labor.” Every practitioner was forced to write a letter of guaranty denouncing Falun Gong here before they were sent to the re-education camp. The practitioners who refused to do so were subject to torture methods such as being stripped naked, force-fed, and deprived of sleep and the restroom.

Featured Case

Torture demonstration: Electric shock

Mr. Dong Shouzhong, died here in May 2008 from the torture he suffered at the hands of the guards. While Dong was on a hunger strike to protest the persecution, he proclaimed “Falun Dafa is Good!” The guards proceeded to gag his mouth with a towel and torture him with methods like electric shock. He passed away within 3 days.
