Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day: 1,000 Proclamations from Officials Worldwide

Over 1000 proclamations, citations, and congratulatory letters honoring Falun Dafa and its founder Mr. Li Hongzhi were received from elected officials in the USA, Canada, the UK, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Australia, Japan, and Taiwan. The image shows some of them. (The Epoch Times)

Over 1000 proclamations, citations, and congratulatory letters honoring Falun Dafa and its founder Mr. Li Hongzhi were received from elected officials in the USA, Canada, the UK, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Australia, Japan, and Taiwan. The image shows some of them. (The Epoch Times)

Parliamentarians and government officials at all levels in different countries have witnessed the courage of Falun Gong practitioners to resolutely and peacefully expose the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong from 1999 to the present. In the proclamations, citations, and congratulatory letters, they expressed their appreciation for the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and their gratitude and respect to Master Li Hongzhi.

In addition, 23 cities in Canada held flag-raising ceremonies and turned on colored lights in city halls and landmark buildings. Several mayors and councilors raised the Falun Dafa Day flag by themselves to recognize the contribution of Falun Dafa to society. This special format started in May 2021 and was followed by over ten Canadian city and town governments.

In the United States, an American flag was flying over the Capitol in Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania, on May 13, World Falun Dafa Day. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf presented a certificate to Mr. Li Hongzhi with the American flag flying over the Pennsylvania Capitol on May 13.

From an original Minghui article.
