中共内部消息 2:公安部长视频会议拟加大打击美国法轮功、神韵活动力度
里约热内卢的太阳快要落山了。数百道铁栅栏排列在路边,在围观者和即将抵达的中国二十国集团代表团之间划出一道清晰的界线。在稀疏的人群中,鲜黄色的横幅格外醒目,上面用葡萄牙语、英语和普通话写着“Falun Dafa es bueno”(“法轮大法好”)和“O genocídio contra Falun Gong precisa parar”(“对法轮功的种族灭绝必须停止”)。
中国抗议者无视巴西当局的警告 作为回应,法轮功修炼者寻求当地执法部门的帮助,以确保他们的安全。巴西法轮功修炼者 Alberto 告诉新闻记者,他无意中听到一名女警察坚定地对中国公民说:“这是巴西,我们的国家,他们(巴西人)有表达的权利。不要再阻挠和压迫他们了。” 尽管女警察警告,中国公民仍坚持阻挡横幅并骚扰修炼者。事态不断升级,直到巴西军队介入,封锁桥梁并命令所有人撤离。然而,即使在撤离后,反抗议者仍继续对法轮功修炼者大喊大叫并骚扰他们。
Lydia Wang’s Family: A Mother Torn from Her Children
Lydia Wang’s mother, Ms. Aihua Liu, has been sentenced to four years in China for her advocacy. As a mother of two U.S. citizens living in New York, her absence has left a devastating void in their lives. Despite the challenges, Lydia and her brother have launched a heartfelt petition, appealing to global citizens to speak out against this injustice. By signing Lydia’s petition, you can join over 11,000 other signatories and amplify their call for her release.
Karen Kang’s Story: A Nephew in Peril
Karen Kang’s nephew, Mr. Hou Lijun, faces a similar plight, but is also in need of urgent medical care. Arrested in China for practicing Falun Gong, he endures the grim reality of a system that suppresses spiritual freedom and whose repression killed his mother for practicing Falun Gong. Karen’s plea to grant her nephew medical parole highlights the depths of his mistreatment by the CCP. Her petition invites people worldwide to demand his release from Chinese officials. Support Karen’s efforts by signing here.